Monday, 18 July 2011

Day 9 -Repeated.... 2 wks later

Ok, so I think its been close to 2 wks since I last updated this...  tbh as of yet we haven't managed to progress past Day 9...  HOWEVER I am back on track again, or so I'm telling myself.  Truth be told 5 kids for 7 days and on summer vacation with no school, really does throw one off their routine, no matter how hard they try.

So, its back at it again, I started again by ending last night with clean shiny sinks again....  tonight MUST be repeated....  it has to be.  The house started to descend into chaos.....  it truly did.  So I really must not get complacent about it.... although that being said, complacency does have its place from time to time....  :)

Tonight, we are down to 2 children, but also have projects galore that MUST get done in the next 2 wks, ok so maybe one of them can wait a little bit longer, but not much longer, but the others must get done.

DF and I are moving downstairs into what WAS the bonus room, its like half the size of the house...  :)  think office, ensuite & walk in wardrobe....  WHEN its all completed...  lol.  This may take awhile.....  thats ok, and ensuite isnt urgent.

Then there are moving the kids around....  paint the walls in our old room, put the baseboards in and change the light fitting (dangly lights aren't the best around the 3yr old boy!), then move the boys in.....  Then there is getting their room all done up, painted, etc and bunk bed purchased so that our 5, almost 6, yr old daughter has a room thats all sorted out.  Now the room switching and painting etc MUST be done by the end of the 2 wks.  Wish me luck.

But all that aside I'm going to continue with the daily plan again....  I had really really hoped that I'd be almost finished my 30-days challenge...  but truth be told, its going, but it sure as hell isn't happening in the 30 days that I'd read that it should happen in.   It hasn't been for lack of wanting it either, just lack of energy, time & motivation for anything other than lying in bed after 9 or 10pm at night after a day at work then doing stuff with the kids in the evenings.

So here's to being a mom, never having enough time in the day, or coffee or energy in a day, and nice shiny sinks.

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